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1926 Casanova Cigaretten - Fussball (Soccer Cards)



This 1926 Casanova Cigaretten - Fussball (Soccer) cards set from Germany is one of the most beautiful sets that can be found in the 1920s and features portrait shots of legendary early German footballers as can be seen below. These cards could be found inside of packs of Casanova Cigarettes.

Thank you to RetroFuchs and cardcollectorhannover for the images of the card for the database.


Card Gallery



1. Heinrich Stuhlfauth (Nurnberg)

1a. Seiderer (Spielvereinigung-Furth)

3. Adolf Jager (Altona 93) and Kalb (Nurnberg)

10. Adolf Jager (Altona 93)

18. Alfred Schaffer (Budapest)

19. Korein (Uruguay)

29. Alfred Schaffer, der Fussballkonig

34. Alfred Schaffer (Budapest)




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