This set features athletes from a wide variety of sports. The first 20 cards in this set are from Spanish football. The cards also have a variety of different backs due to the advertising space on the backs of the card which was typical of that era.
1 Crema Eclipse 2 “CARMEN” Chocolates Rodríguez Serrano
1 Zamora 2 Eizaguirre
3 Quesada 4 Pasarin 5 Quincoces
6 Urquizu 7 Prats 8 Gamborena
9 Soler 10 Marculeta
11 Peña 12 Lazcano
13 Goiburu
14 Sastre 15 Samitier
16 Rubio 17 Yermo 18 Padron 19 Arocha
20 Yurrita